Friday, October 25, 2013

Chapter 5: Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before?

Before you freak out....yes, I know that we skipped Chapter 4. We will revisit it later once we've worked more with poetry.

Topic: Define intertextuality. Discuss three examples that have helped you in reading specific works.

NOTE: When quoting directly from the chapter, USE QUOTATION MARKS!!!...and identify the page number (2).


  1. Today at 5:06 PM

    Karlie Trosclair
    English 1- 5th period
    26 October 2013

    Literature like a professor
    Chapter 4

    The word intertextuality is the relationship between different types of text especially literature. Three things that have helped me in reading specific readings is characters, point of view, and authors. The way that characters help me when I'm reading is because when I read a book with a certain character I start to know how that character acts. When I see this character in another book it helps me because I know how this character acts. Another thing that helps me when I'm reading is the point of view the story is told in. Point of view is a very important aspect when writing a story. When I know what point of view the story is told in it helps me because some point of views are easier to read than others. Finally, the aurthor who wrote it is what helps me the most when reading. This is because most Authors stuck to the same type of genre and keep the same writing style throughout there career. In Conclusion, the three things that help me the most when reading is characters, point if view and the authors.

    1. You Did A Great Job!!!,but You could've change your words such as the word (because). But out of all you did pretty Good...

  2. Intertextuality is a way of accoutnign for a role of literrary abd extra literary materials.

    Intertextuality has helped by givinign me ideas to think about, giving me a way to account for a role, and giving me ideas as to what to look for.

    1. You could've been more in detail but at least you tried.....!!!

  3. Intertextuality is the relationship between two types of literature. Three things that help me to read and comprehend are illustrations, point-of-view, and tone. The illustrations help readers because it provides a visual to go along with the passage or selection. It gives reader's a better view of things. Point-of-view helps because it shows what tense the literature is written in. It tells you who is speaking or telling the story, and this helps a lot. Lastly, is tone. Tone helps very much because it provides what kind of mood or tone the author is speaking in. The author's tone could change what the whole passage is about. Tone can really affect the meaning of a story. In conclusion, these three things can greatly help a reader to comprehend what they are reading and to understand it to the best of their ability.

    1. GOOD JOB I like how you wrote this it's really good. It makes me want to read some more

  4. Intersexuality is when an author uses the idea of another author to make a story.
    It is also a way to have more meaning in your writing and be more specific in your characters, and it is also a way of going deeper in your writing.

  5. Lexi Bourgeois
    English 1- 5th Period
    Wade Rodrigue
    30 October 2013

    How To Read Literature Like A Professor
    Chapter 5

    Intertextuality is the relationship between different types of text usually including some type of literature. At least three ways this definition has helped me while reading specific works are by including a plot, characters, and the different types of point of view. The plot really helps me comprehend the literary story because it gives me an idea of what is going on using the term imagery using the five senses. For example, if the plot of the story is involving a conflict, I can imagine what is being said and what is being done. Characters help me as well by giving me an idea of what their appearance is and the way their personality is around others and when they are by themselves. Finally, the different types of point of view is probably the major key because it gives me an idea of what each character opinions are. For example, someone may love and agree with the statement when others feel opposite. Everyone deserves a chance to give out their opinion on certain topics which is a major problem we have in this society. In conclusion, although there are many more reasons, these three reasons are most likely the ones I feel help me while reading and comprehending the different reading works.

    1. Lexi i really like how you went into deatail and you supported what you said i like that...Keep it up...

  6. Evan Gaudet

    English I: 2nd period

    Mr. Rodrigue

    30 October 2013

    Intertextuality is the relationship or dialogue between a text and another text. The previous text helps to give meaning to the text being read. The things that help me when reading text is characters, illustrations, and allusions. The characters in a text are who the story is about and they mold the story. Illustrations give you a picture or an image to help you to better understand what the author is trying to say. Allusions help you to think ahead to try to figure out what will come next. All of these things help to bring the text more to life for the person reading.

  7. Luke Kliebert
    English 1: 5th period
    30 October 2013

    Intertextuality is the relationship between different types of text. One thing that help me when reading text is illustrations. Illustrations help you imagine things about the story that you couldn't without illustrations. Another thing that helps me when reading text is different points of view. Different points of view help me see the story from a different way than it was made to. And the last thing that helps me read text is tone. Tone can really affect the whole story. You might see the story one way, and the author might see it another way. All of these things help me when reading text.

  8. Saul Barrilleaux
    English 1: 5th period
    1 October 30

    The word intertextuality means the relationship between text; especially literary ones. Three things that help me when trying to identify a word is prefixes, illustrations, and the rest of the sentence. Prefixes help me to identify a word because if the word has a prefix, then I can find out the meaning of this prefix and use it to find out the word. If I know the meaning of a word with the same prefix, I can use the definition of that word to kind of relate to the word I don't know. Illustrations help me to identify a word because the illustrations might relate to the word which helps me. If I use the illustration, the, compare it to the sentence with the word, I may be able to have an idea what's the meaning of the word. Reading the rest of a sentence can help me identify a word because reading the sentence, or even the sentences before and after, will help me to know what's is going on which will then help me to figure out the word.

  9. Elements in literature are like connect the dots. Once you practice reading/writing them, it becomes easier to recognize them. There is never one completely original piece of literature. The elements in literature begin to repeat themselves which is why some stories who have completely different authors can resemble each other. Most stories are based off of others which is stated as an example on page 2 of chapter 5. In the book Going After Cacciato, the main character meets a figment of his imagination that is a foreign woman that supposedly should guide him to Paris. This sounds remarkably like the story of the Native American woman, Sacajawea, Sacajawea, a foreign woma who spoke a different language, lead two men across America through hostile territory. The woman of the main character's, Paul Berlin's, imagination is a foreign woman who speaks a different language and leads Paul out of war to Paris. Intertextuality is basically the relationship between two stories. Most of the time, intertextuality happens between a new story resembling an old story.

  10. Intertextuality is the relationship between two different types of literary texts. Three examples that help me in specific reading works are the point-of-view of the narrator, the characters, and the characters feelings about each other. The narrator's point of view helps me when reading because I know how the narrator is seeing the story and why they are feeling the way that they do about the story. The characters help me to better understand what I am reading because if you know the personality of the character then you will know how they are going to react to certain things. The characters feelings about the other characters in the story is helpful because if one of the characters secretly likes another character and they act strange and shy when they are around them, it helps us to understand why they act that way.

  11. Intertextuality means the relationship between texts of liertature. Three examples that help me with this is the narrator the the type of tone that he is using, It also helps me to know what the narractor thoughts and the way that the narrator feels. The characters makes me understand how they feel and theirs thoughts, Also, the way that the chacters act toward each other.

  12. Intertextuality is the bond between two things of literature. Illustrations, point of views, and prefixes can help someone understand it. It surly helped me out. Illustrations help you play a movie in your head to better understand the story and to not get bored with it. Without them you would get bored and not understand it as well. Point of views can help you understand more what the author, or narrator is coming from throughout the story. It helps you understand the conflict between character more easily and know their personal opinions. Prefixes can help you better understand some of the words you may not know. You can get through a story better knowing prefixes and their meanings. Using all these types of intertextuality can make you better understand and have fun with the story or book you are reading.

  13. Intertextuality is "the ongoing interaction between poems or stories" or the relationship between stories.Three examples that have helped me with literature are illustrations, detail, and theme. Illustrations make easier for me to understand what the story or the story's plot is about. Detail helps me create a visual image and helps me properly understand what is trying to be said. Theme plays a big role in the plot and understanding. Like the theme in 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' teaches children not to lie and the plot helps reveal that lesson. It all helps me understand literature.

  14. Intertextuality is the relationship between two types of texts in a literature item. Their are three examples that help me understand a literary work. One example being illustrations. They help me with understanding the story more. I break it down much easier. Another example that helps me is characters. The relationship and the way characters act helps me out. Really brings like a theme or plot come to life in the text. Like illustrations it breaks it down and makes it much easier for myself. Lastly for me is detail. If a text goes into deep detail it really helps. It makes me think and puts visual items in my brain. The more detail, the more illustrations, and the more character relationships it helps a lot.

  15. The word intertextual mean the relationship between two novels especially literature. One thing that helped me understand was when they were explaining stories. Like, when it talks about the novel "Going After Cacciato" and "Alice in Wonderland". The second one is when it talks about connecting the dots. When yu finally get the hang of it, you won't have to work on it long. Same for literature, once your able to know what you are doing, things will go smoothly. The last one is talking about Sacajawea and Pocahontas. Saying that a woman that can help you on things yu not sure about.

  16. The word intertextual means the relationship between two types of texts in literature. From reading Chapter 5 realized an obvious one is a picture or illustration. For example, when you read a book with no pictures you just get what was described in your head using imagery, but if there is a movie or illustrations you will get two different images from your brain and the pictures. As you can see , this is the tru meaning of intertextual.

  17. Intertextual has a meaning of two types of text that are related in some kind of way or form. 3 examples that I think would be intertextual is illustration, characters, and the tone of the story. These three things help me read in their own unique way. Illustrations help me by me seeing what's actually going on in the story. It is much easier to just see the picture and know what it looks like rather than having an image in my head that is something totally different. The characters help me in the story because they are the people that the things are happening to in the story, so you would need to know the characters of the story's that you read. The last thing that helps me is tone. This helps me because the tone of the story tells if it is being goofy are being serious. Usually the tone of books is serious, so you know that they are not playing around in the story. So, that can help you read better than imagining them being serious or not. Clearly, those are the three things that help me become a good reader and read well.

  18. The word intertextuality means the relationship between two types of text in literature. There are three examples of intertextuality that helps me understand literature. Illustrations, characters, and the theme or plot helps me. Illustrations helps me understand the story better. The way characters act out helps me visualize more, and theme or plot brings life into the text. If the text goes into detail it helps me visualize better.

  19. The word intertextuality is the relationship between texts especially literary ones. In the chapter "Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before" talks about literary texts. In the chapter it had many ways to help you in specific words. "Think of reading, on one level, asone of those papers from elementary school where you connect dots," the author means that the more you connect the dots by the time your finish you would know what the picture is. It's for the same as reading words sound each one by each letter by the time you finish you would already know the word. Another way to help you with specific words in context clues. When you're reading a book or something, and you don't know the word you skip it then come back to it, and see what goes in the blank. Another way to help with specific words is by circling it or underlining (annotation) in the story come back to it and definition of the word. It may be the long way to do it, but it's really helpful. There are many others way to help with words in a text, but this the best ways to do it.

  20. intertextual is the relationship between two types of text that are related in some way in literature. Three examples would be the characters, illustrations, and the theme and/or the tone of the story. These three examples help me to better understand the text. Knowing the characters and the setting, or any type of imagery in this matter, helps to create an image in my mind which helps with a better understanding of what I'm reading. The theme and/or tone helps to place a certain perspective about what I'm reading which creates a clear and understanding point of view.

  21. Intertextual is the relationship between two textual objects are related in some kind of way in literature. Three different examples are tone, illustatrations, and point-of-veiw. First, the author's tone helps the reader to really get in and accelerate within the reading. It also helps set the mood presented in the story. If the author would be against a certain object or situation, then the author's tone would most likely be an opposing, angry tone. Next, illustrations can be helpful due to it helping readers actually visualize the scene or situations happening within the selection. Lastly, point-of-views can display and show different character's feelings and emotions. This can all help a reader better understand the passage or selection they are reading.

  22. The word intertextual means the relationship betweem two types of text in some way. The three examples in the text are characters, illustrations, and the theme of the story. The characters help me to better understand the story by knowing how they feel or what they do. The illustrations help me because when I see a picture it helps me to use imagination and get a better idea of the story in my head. Lastly, the theme helps to show the overall meaning and understanding of what the story was trying to tell.

  23. The world intertextual means that there is an relationship between two types of text in a way.From reading Chapter 5 realized an obvious one is a picture or illustration. For example, when you read a book with no pictures you just get what was described in your head using imagery, but if there is a movie or illustrations you will get two different images from your brain and the pictures. As you can see , this is the true meaning of intertextual

  24. Pacie Cortez
    English I: 5th period
    Mr. Rodrigue
    1 November 2013

    The word intertextuality is the relationship between two types of text. Three examples of which are characters, plot, and illustrations. The characters help me relate to and understand the story. They can actually make a story interesting. The plot helps build the story. Sometimes, the plot can also define who the characters really are. Finally, illustrations help give you a small image of the story. If you look at one picture it can spark your imagination for a whole scenery and the story can make itself even better. It's like a starting point to start imagining a different world.

  25. Jillian Landry
    English 1 5th Period
    1 November 2013

    Intertextuality is the relationship between two types of text. Three examples that have helped me in reading specific works are the setting, illustrations and pictures, and the characters. Using the setting I can picture where the story takes place. If the setting is a real place then I can look up pictures of the place. Illustrations and pictures give me an idea of what going on and what the setting and characters look like. The characters's actions and thoughts give me an idea about their personality. The characters give me an idea about how they fit in with the whole story.

  26. The definition of intertextuality is the relationship between two different texts. Some examples are the characters and the plot of the story. You will use imagery more if you can actually see it like in a comic book, instead of it being in a book with nothing besides words in it. The Illustrations help me to see what is going on in the story and to understand more. The characters come into place because it lets me know how they are feeling throughout it. Another thing that helps is the story having good detail, because then I would be able to imagine it better in my head and understand the story a lot better

  27. Intertextuality is the relation between two different pieces of literature. It makes the dialogue in the texts seem more interesting and enriching. Three ways this can help when reading a story are setting, character understanding, and dialogue translations. One example of these qualities are the books Pride and Prejudice and Prom and Prejudice. The old book is difficult to read because it is written in the way people wrote during the time it was published. It isn't very up to date on the things we have today and it can be difficult to relate to. Prom and Prejudice takes the same theme to create a more modern way of telling what the original author wanted to get across. Intertextuality can be used in almost any book you read today. It also can help with more than the three factors I listed.

  28. Intertextuality is the idea that authors build off of other stories to create their own. All literary text shares a common bond. Two books that I used intertextuality in are "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451". Both of the settings of these books are placed in the future, although "Fahrenheit 451" was written 24 years before the "1984". The major cities in the two books are controlled by one specific group, and the main characters are a part of this group. That is until their point of view of the world is changed by someone or something. They both try to change when they realize that they are living in a horrible world. This is an example of intertextuality because the books are very similar, but do not mention a thing about the other.

  29. Intertextuality is the relationship between two different texts. One example that has helped me understand specific works better is the point of view. I like books that switch the point of views for each chapter because it helps me understand what each character is feeling or thinking about a certain situation. Another example is illustrations. It helps create a better picture in my head of what the author was thinking. Lastly, it's the theme behind the story. That helps me understand the real reason the author wrote the story.

  30. Intertextuality- meaning or referring to the relationship of different text in relationship between each other.
    Almost every word and phrase we use we have heard or seen before. Our originality comes from how we put those words together in ways that fit our specific situation, need, and purpose, but we always need to rely on the language we share with others. If we did not share the language, how would others understand us? This refers to chapter fives' meaning in many ways. The author of this literary passage wants to show us how we share and communicate different texts in relation to each other. It can show us different places and events, but yet they could have the same message, conflict, and opinions. This passage also helps us understand different reasons and points behind everything they write. Overall it can show us many different literary devices to help us have a better understanding.

  31. Intertextuality means the relationship between two types of text in some way for the author to make it their own. The three examples in the text are the characters, theme of the story, and the illustrations. The characters help me understand more of the text by knowing how each individual acts or feels. Illustrations help me get better knowledge of the story by using my thoughts and imagination. The theme helps me by revealing the main lesson and showing the points the story is either telling, exaggerating, or questioning,
