Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chapter 7 ...Or the Bible

Read "Araby" http://fiction.eserver.org/short/araby.html. Discuss Biblical allusions that Foster does not mention. Look at the example of the "two great jars." Be creative and imaginative in these connections.


  1. A story that has biblical allusions that Foster does not mention is Hercules. Hercules has to conquer 12 tasks which any normal human could easily fail. What does this sound lke? It sounds much like the story of David and Goliath. Goliath is this mountain of a man or a Giant if you prefer. No one could beat Goliath much like no human could complete Hercule's taks. David stood up to Goliath and beat him while no one expected he would. No one expected Hercules to complete the tasks that were designed to be impossible. Hercule's had impossible tasks and defeating Goliath was an impossible task. David and Hercules both came out from being the underdogs and did what no one else could thus becoming heroes in their own way. As you can see,these stories are very much alike as Hercules represents David and Goliath represents the 12 tasks.

  2. The Foster didn't mention nothing about Moses. Moses was the one to lead all his people to the other side of the ocean. He took care of those people. He was being tested and he didn't fail. Moses did exactly what he was suppose to do. Moses took those his people from the evil king that was making them slaves. His own brother an sister were being slaves. Moses wasn't one because his mother sent him away so they wouldn't kill him.

  3. Hayze Talbot
    English 1
    W. Rodrigue
    15 November 2013

    Foster never mentioned anything about Moses. Moses was a great leader and he cared about his people. Although he cared for them he wasn't afraid to teach them lessons. Moses was tested throughout his entire life and he never failed. Whether it was leading the people through a desert or an ocean he was persistent. Moses did what he was told without question.

  4. D'Andrea Smith
    English l
    15 November 2013

    Foster didn't mention anything about Goliath. Goliath was a giant warrior, who was slain by David in l Samuel. There was an armed clash between the Philistines, led by Goliath and the army of Israel. David slings a fatal stone that hits Goliath between the eyes and then fell. He was a nine feet tall, but despite his intimidating size David meets him on the field of battle. Israel did win in a rout and then David become king.

  5. Destiny Hotard
    English 1 5th
    16, November 2013

    Foster didn't mention anything about Jesus, who was God's only son. Jesus was born to Mary and he was destined to live so he could die for us. He never wanted to die but when it came to his time to carry his cross up to Golgotha, the place of his crucifixion, he did it with out complaining. He may have fallen three times but he got up and continued to move on. He didn't even protest against being accused for something that couldn't possibly be true. He told women and children to stop crying for him because he was going to make it okay. He didn't bother to save himself when he was drying on the cross and he asked God, his father, to forgive the people by crying out 'Forgive them Father, for they don't know what they've done!' and then going 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' Despite his feelings of un comfort, Jesus took up the cross and died for us.

    1. Keep up the great work Destiny. You are really observing the passages we read carefully.

  6. Foster didn't mention anything about moses. Moses was a great leader and led many people to safety. He took many people to the other side of the oean. He was a great man and he never gave up crossing the ocean and he succedded very succesfully. Moses looked out for many people and no matter what challenge he had, he always got it done. He cared for so many others and he was a great leader with much success.

    1. Great work Alexis. You are doing an amazing job with these blogs.

  7. In his story Foster didn't mention Noah. Noah was a righteous man and a follower of God. Noah is most known for his story Noah's arch. Which is when God told Noah to build an ark for him and his family to prepare for a great flood that would destroy everything on earth. God had also instructed Noah to bring a male and female of every animal on the boat with him. Noah obeyed God and after getting everything on to the boat rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights. Everything was wiped out, and when the waters went down the mountains landed on the mountains of Ararat. After a year God invited Noah to come out the arch and God promised Noah never to destroy all living creatures on earth again.

  8. Luke Kliebert
    English 1
    W. Rodrigue
    17, November 2013

    Foster Didn't mention Jesus. Jesus was born for us, he died for us. He didn't want to die, but when he did, he said nothing bad about it. He might have fallen, but always got back up. He was accused for something the man didn't even do. He told everyone to stop crying for him, because it was gonna be ok, he's gonna make it ok. Jesus died for us.

  9. Foster did not mention anything about Moses. Moses is one of the greatest known followers of God. Through God's help, he has done many great things. He is best known for receiving The 10 Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. People everywhere still follow and live up to The 10 Commandments. Another great thing he did was part the Red Sea to lead the Israelites safely away from the Egyptians. He also led them to the Promised Land of Canaan.

    1. Your hardworking quality will get you very far in life. Keep doing what you do best.

  10. Kassie San Miguel
    English 1: 5th period
    W. Rodrigue
    17 November 2013

    Foster didn't mention anything about Jesus. Jesus was gods only son. Born of the Virgin Mary, he was destined to die for us. Dying wasn't his idea, but when it came time for him to carry the cross to his own crucifixion, he suffered and died for us so that we could live. As he was walking he saw the children and women filled with sorrow, crying because they knew he did nothing wrong. He even knew he did nothing wrong, but he did what he needed to do, even if he was falsely accused, to save his people. He sacrificed his own life to save many lives and bravely died on the cross.

    1. Nice work! I would say to check some spelling. (God is capital). But it's still good!

  11. Within the story, Foster did not mention Moses. Moses was a religious leader, a lawgiver, and a prophet. Because of his characteristics listed above, he helped save several lives. He did this by raising his hand above the Red Sea allowing the water to divide and build a wall. Once the wall was built, he made the sea become dry land due to the wind from the previous night before. From there, the people were allowed to walk on the dry land to get across. Moses is one of the most known leaders of all time. Without him, several lives would not have been saved that day.

  12. In the story, Foster didn't mention Noah. Noah was a very good man that got a message from God. God's message was for Noah to obey his command and build a huge arc. Noah, being the respectful, and follower of God did what he was told. He was also told to put a male and female pair of every animal on this arc and to get ready for a huge flood. Noah did so and he and his family survived the flood because he listened to God's message. If Noah wouldn't have listened to the message he was given, Noah and his family wouldn't have survived the flood.

  13. Jayde Adams
    English I Fifth Period
    17 November 2013

    Foster does not talk about Jesus. Jesus was God's only son. His fate was to die for our sins. It wasn't his plan, but he did it for us. He carried the cross while he was being beat. He never gave up even though he was about to be killed for something he didn't even do. He told the people to stop weeping for Him because everything was going to be ok.

  14. Elise Clement
    English I; 5th Period
    17 November 2013

    Foster did not mention God's only son, Jesus. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. He was a true follower of God his whole life and always did what was right. So, when it was time for him to do what was made for him to do, he did it without any questions. He had to be nailed on the cross for our sins, so that we could live. He died on the cross just so that everyone who is living today, could be where they are now.

  15. Katie Landry
    English 1-5th period
    W. Rodrigue
    17 November 2013

    In the story "Araby" Foster discusses many Biblical allusions, but there are some allusions that he did not mention. One example of a Biblical allusion that Foster did not mention is the story of Noah's Ark. In Noah's Ark, God's purpose was to destroy all of the sin and wickedness that the people had created by flooding the Earth. However, God found one righteous man, Noah, and instructed him to build an ark for him and his family to prepare for the flood that would destroy every living thing on Earth. Noah was also instructed to bring two of every living animal, a male and a female, along with enough food for his family and the animals. Noah listened to God. After everything was on the ark rain continuously fell for forty days and forty nights. The Earth was flooded for 150 days, and every living thing was demolished. As the water receded, the ark landed on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family waited for the entire surface of the Earth to dry out, and after a year God requested for Noah to come out of the ark. Noah did so and immediately built an alter to worship God. God was pleased with this and promised him that he would never destroy the Earth by flooding ever again.

  16. Saul Barrilleaux
    English 1: 5th period
    W. Rodrigue
    17 November 2013

    Foster did not mention God's son, Jesus. Jesus was God's only son and his fate was to die for our sins. He was a true follow of God and when it was time for him to be nailed to the cross, he did it with no question. It wasn't his idea for him to die. He knew he didn't do anything wrong but he did it for us. He died for everyone living today.

  17. In this story, Foster didn't mention Noah. Noah was a righteous man and a follower of God. He's most known for his famous story Noah's Arch. In this story, God told Noah to build an ark for him and his family, so that they can prepare for a great flood that would destroy everything on earth. God also instructed him to bring a male and female animal of every species with him on the boat. Noah obeyed God's orders, and after getting everything on to the boat rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights. Everything was wiped out, and when the waters went down the mountains and landed on the mountains of Ararat. After a year, God invited Noah to come out the arch and God promised Noah never to destroy all living creatures on earth again.

  18. Jillian Landry
    English 1 5th period
    17 November 2013

    Out of everything that was mentioned Foster didn't mention anything about Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He died so that we could go to Heaven. Jesus told God to forgive the people because they didn't know what they were doing. The people freed a criminal so that Jesus could be nailed on the cross. The leaders said that since he is Jesus and the son of God he should be able to save himself.

  19. In the story, Foster did not mention Peter. Peter was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Peter had his own trials but was faithful to Jesus and God. Peter is an example of trusting in Jesus and almighty God. For example when Peter walked on water. With the help of Jesus of course. Jesus told him to walk on water and trust him. Peter was nervous and not sure at first but he decided to do it. Peter ended up walking on water and that made him have his trust all in Jesus. Every trial and tribulation even though Peter messed up at times he was always faithful to the Lord and especially the Lord was always with him

  20. Caitlyn Rodrigue
    English 1: 5th period
    W. Rodrigue
    17 November 2013

    Foster did not mention Noah. Noah was a great man who got word from God. He was told to build an arc, and save all the animals from the flood. Once the arc was built, he gathered two of each animal, male and female. Noah followed all of God's instructions and came out an alive an righteous man

    1. Nice observation! :) check spelling though. (Which I should probably do too)

  21. Karra Rodrigue
    English1 2nd period
    17 November 2013
    Foster didn't metion anything about Saint Jude. Siant Jude was one of Jesus's apposiles, but what makes him different is the fact that he was the apposile that turned Jesus over to his enemies. A lot of people do not see Saint Jude as a Saint, because of the fact that he betraid Jesus. But he is considerd the saint of the impossible, this is because Saint Jude was actually one of the first apposiles that Jesus asked to follow him, so to see that he could do that to Jesus is kind of imaginable. What also makes him a good Saint is that, yes, he was driven to betray Jesus by money, but he was also very ashamed by it as well and asked God for forgivness. The fact that he is a Saint shows that even though people do terrable things God will still forgive them if they ask for it.

  22. Foster doesn't mention anything about Jesus. Jesus is the son of The Lord, and he was born from the Virgin Mary. During his time on Earth, he stood up for he believed in and no matter how much people were mean to him, he continued to be nice to everyone and say that he was the Son of God. Since he was so nice and didn't sin, he died for all people who had lived, were alive, and were to come. He freed everyone from their sins. In stories like these, authors need to recognize his acts of kindness and express gratitude.

  23. Foster did not mention Jesus Christ. Jesus was the son of Mary; he was the son of God. All throughout his childhood, he would go from temple to temple learning about the great things God has done for us. He also taught everyone about the Father. Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday, which is why we celebrate that holiday. Also, we celebrate Christmas because it was the day the 3 kings found him and gave him gifts. He died for our sins on the cross. I think authors try to model heros out of someone like Jesus because he was so giving and loving and brave.

  24. Foster didn't mention anything about Jesus. Jesus who is Gods son and the son of Mary, died so that we could live on this wonderful place we call Earth. Jesus was never mean to people, even though others were always mean to him. He always had nothing against those people. When he had died on the cross, he had freed everyone from their sins and helped them live better lives. As he was getting ready to be put on the cross everyone was crying for him but then he said that everything will be alright and don't cry for me. I think Jesus was caring and kind to do the acts he did for us to live.

  25. Foster didn't mention anything about Moses. Moses was one of Gods many followers. He was a great man. He did many great things in his life. Moses followed and obeyed every single one of the ten commandments. Moses taught people about God. One of the greatest, if not the greatest thing he ever did was part the Red Sea to let many people cross safely.

  26. Evan Gaudet
    English 1, 2nd period
    Mr. Rodrigue
    17 November 2013

    Foster did not talk about Jesus. Jesus is known as the son of God our almighty savior from Heaven. God sent Jesus to earth to perform miracles and to save us from sin and from the devil. Jesus performed many miracles such as healing a blind man so that he could see. Jesus also sent the devil out of a man's body and put it into a heard of pigs. Jesus healed the sick and most of all Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins and to be forgiven for whatever bad that we do.

  27. Kaleb HOtard
    English 1, 2nd
    17 November 2013

    One biblical allusion that Foster didn't mention is about Jesus Christ our savior. Jesus Christ was born circa 6 B.C. in Bethlehem. Little is known about his early life, but as a young man, he founded Christianity, one of the world’s most influential religions. His life is recorded in the New Testament, more a theological document than a biography. According to Christians, Jesus is considered the incarnation of God and his teachings an example for living a more spiritual life. Christians believe he died for the sins of all people and rose from the dead.

  28. A biblical allusion not mentioned by Foster is Jesus. Many have asked "Who is Jesus Christ?" Jesus' most controversial act was that he repeatedly claimed to be God, which was a direct violation of the Jewish law. Therefore the religious leaders asked the Roman government to execute him. In each of several official trials, the Romans found that he was not guilty of breaking any Roman law. Jesus is a part of God, he died was crucified and resurrected from the dead fir the love for us.

  29. Alissa Clement
    English 1 5th period
    W. Rodrigue
    17 November 2013

    One biblical allusion that Foster did not mention was Jesus. Jesus is the most important Christin that ever lived because he founded the religion. He got people to follow the faith of God and spread it throughout the world. He was God's only son and was put on Earth to teach us how we should live to go to heaven.Jesus Christ was tortured by people, nailed to a cross, and died just to let us live and show his and God's love for us.

  30. Tate Foret
    Mr. Rodigue
    English 1 pre ap 5th period
    November 17, 2013
    A biblical allusion that Foster didn't mention was Noah's son Jesus. Jesus went Jerusalem to spread Christianity and he was then nailed to a cross for wrong doing. Then people then started to follow Jesus to support him. He later after he died so said came back from the dead where he gave luck to everyone.

    P.S i dont go to religion.

  31. Within the story, Foster didn't mention anything about Jesus. Jesus, who was God's only son, was born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus always obeyed and followed the steps of God. He did many faithful that was exactly what God sent him into the human world to do. He came to Earth and set an example of who God was throughout the world. He taught people the importance and how to get to Heaven. In the end, he died for the love of us with the tragic death of being nailed to a cross.

  32. In the story Foster did not mention anything about Jesus. For those who don't know who that is he the son of The Virgin Mary and Joseph. Jesus who was an Jew obeyed and he is the only one that is perfect. Jesus did many things during is time he healed the sick cleanse the leprosy and cast devil possessed. He can to this earth from the right hand from the father to come and show an example of how he wanted us to live. Jesus was then crucified because he was about his father's business. And died for our sins ans inequality and transgressions. He taught us roman's the righteous way to live.

    1. I like how you made this sound like as if we were there

  33. Foster never talked about or said anything about Jesus. Jesus known as the son of God, father almighty, savior of Heaven and earth. Jesus was sent down from heaven by God to preform miracles. Jesus performed many miracles such as healing people and helping people out in life. Jesus also has the power to pull any evil out of someone of something and banish it back to hell. He was crucified and died on the cross for us and our sins. He is also part of the holy trinity: The father, The SON, and the Holy Spirit.
